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To: Northminster Christian School

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We can't do this without you!

Help us say YES to every child who walks through our doors. Our students come from every kind of household, and to most families choosing high-quality early childhood education is a priority but not always a financial possibility. We believe that every child deserves a Christ-centered, loving education from the start.

Join us by donating today.

Tax Credit Program
Northminster’s Kindergarten program is eligible to receive donations through the School Tax Credit Program. Arizona residents can receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for donations made to Northminster Christian School, up to $569 for an individual taxpayer or $1138 for a married couple filing jointly.

For more information about the tax credit,
call us at (520) 327-2321
or go to either

Institute for Better Education (IBE)
Arizona Christian School Tax Organization (ACSTO)

We love having volunteers! Come join us in big and small ways including:

  • Helping in the garden
  • Reading to the children
  • Administrative tasks
  • Serving at our fundraisers

Other Ways You Can Support Us
Pray for our students and staff

Children build enduring foundations through early-childhood experiences.